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FPS Creator x10 mais SERIAL

-Fps Creator X10 with serial number

FPS Creator X10 is the world\'s first DirectX 10 game creator for Windows Vista! for the first time ever you can control the powerful features on your graphics card. Visually stunning effects including parallax relief mapping, bloom, reflection, refraction, volume soft shadows and soft particle shader effects are all under your control.


Advanced AI Character Behaviours: Both hostile or friendly
Takes advantage of Dual Core and Quad Core CPU technology
Create Multiplayer Arena games you can play with your friends
Script your own Game Logic with the built-in programming language
Huge library of models, textures and sounds - with new model packs being released all the time
Share your creations as stand-alone executables freely
Active community of FPS Creator users, ready to share ideas
Game action above and below water. Players can run, leap, swim, dive and even affect the water level


System Requirements
FPS Creator X10 only works on Windows Vista with the NVIDIA GeForce 8 series of DirectX10 video cards.

We strongly recommend the NVIDIA GeForce 8800 range. We do not recommend any video card with less than 320MB RAM.
Click here for supported video card details

CPU: 2GHz minimum. 2.66GHz Dual Core recommended.
Memory: 1GB minimum. 2GB recommended.
Misc: 2GB Hard Drive Space. DVD Drive. Printer to output user guide.

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